Thursday, February 2, 2012

How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?

For a new president, Obama now has the lowest popularity since Ford pardoned Nixon.

What caused Obama's descent?How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?Did you get that stat from a FUX News poll, because its inaccurate?How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?
Obama himself. This is proof that this guy should never been elected.How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?Just like a new car,,,,,the new wore off, it doesn't get the mileage the salesman promised and there are still 3 yrs worth of payments to make.
It's that transparency thing. The more he avoids it, the more evident it is. The curtain has been pulled back on the Wizard of Uhs.How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?People are waking up to the fact that he is a first term senator not a president.How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?
People who can't think and reason for themselves...They just follow what somebody tells them.
When you get billed as a superstar %26amp; perform like a hasbeen, it's inevitable.How did Obama go from Idol to the lowest popularity for a new president since Ford pardoned Nixon?
Because he doesn't explain anything...he never did. But people are just realizing that.
It's the middle of the road Dems that are sinking his ratings. They hadn't believed that he was a far-left extreme marxist racist until they saw him in action.

Remember Obama told us to judge him by the company he keeps. Van Jones? Come on! No way would Obama be hanging out with this guy if he wasn't a racist. Now hopefully people will look back at his other associates, Ayers, Rev. Wright, Louis Farrakhan, etc...and judge him on those associations as well.
I always thought Oprah was a complete tard, now I know for sure.

Thanks for the recommendation you racist commies! Never again!
Well, it's like in the old saying: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

It has been about 8 months. The glitter has worn off and people are wondering where all the happiness and rainbows went. They had no idea what they were voting for, and now that they know, they are a little disturbed.

WE CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By not doing what he promised and by not showing any guts . He turned out to be a bitter disappointment to me . I will not defend a politician who acts like a politician . Lobbyists are thriving in Washington . Partisanship is thriving in Washington . The president may have two children but he has no balls . The democrats got the power they wanted . Now , they are paralized and can't get anything done . I'm sick of both parties trying to sink the ship . We need new government not afraid to work for the American people even when deciasions aren'r popular .
Because he is a LIAR!!

Spidy.. I love your term.. " WIZARD OF UHS" Can I use it. Best thing to describle him yet.
Sept 2009 polls have Obama in the low 40% of the nation's voters who strongly disapprove of his performance, whereas about 30% strongly approve.

As we all know, Obama's ratings are primarily related to jobs and the economy, both issues for which he has not produced as promised. The 10% unemployment rate is a 30 year high. Even under the dreaded George W. unemployment and interest rates were low, and the economy expanded, until of course we all know what happened.

Barack H. has compromised or reneged on his other major campaign promises: withdrawal from Iraq, and national healthcare.

The inner city minority vote that overwhelming voted for "change" are now struggling more than ever to make ends meet, and are faced with increasing taxes and reduced services.

Political lefties are also concerned about his hawkish policies in Afghanistan, while the greenies are concerned about his neglect for a cleaner environment and alternative, clean energy sources.

And, of course, the recent Anthony "Van" Jones debacle casts depreciation on the patriotism and dedication that Barack H. has for country and duties of POTUS.

What would the Rev. Jeremiah Wright say at the end of a sermon about hard times that show no prospects for improvement? Who would Wright blame? Certainly no criticisms would be spoken of Obama..
Pundits such as Rush limbaugh and Glenn Beck calling him things such as "socialist" and "communist" without asking either one.

They also call him him faschist for bailing out the banks and GM but would also complain about the job loss if he didn't do anything
no health insurance = 90 million slaves to pick from for that special republican project

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