Monday, January 30, 2012

I feel like my dreams are happening?

I guess an example would get the meaning across.

So, I would be doing a simple task, but it's something that usually has some variety (such as playing a board game, maybe making a deviation in my daily schedule), but then I suddenly get the feeling that I've dreamed this before. Sometimes they would be like a shining light in my mind (Very detailed and precise) While other times they seem foggy and murky (somewhat unclear, but deliver a general meaning) . Usually, when they pop up, I also get a terrible outcome to the situation they're displaying (Such as me losing a game or perhaps even one of the players decides to rage quit the game), and sometimes I even pick up on little details before they happen, such as a few of the random numbers that someone writes down. When I feel these, I become extremely cautious and decide what I say very carefully, trying to change the fate. However, sometimes I think that the recolection happens at the same time as the event, while others it happens a little before I realize it. In the end, though, the terrible event rarely ever happens, and life continues on in as though everything was normal. I'm wondering if I'm just experiencing extreme deja vu or if I have an overactive imagination, but I'm just asking you guys any sort of comments you have on this situation.

Side note: I've been noticing that I've become very associative: I REALLY LIKE IT WHEN THINGS RELATE EVEN THOUGH THEY DON'T. Forgive the Caps, but it's something that really has been bugging me, and I just can't stop. I'll try to compare something to a completely unrelated object, such as "Oh, a tennis ball is just like a baseball because of the groove pattern on the surface."I feel like my dreams are happening?
Dreams are important source of information, every symbol and element in your dreams contains Life changing secrets. And sometimes it warns and tries to tell you messages that could have prevented mistakes. Begin to Interpret Dreams by combining pieces of symbols and images that appears in your dream tonight, along with a dream dictionary you will discover its meaning.

Repeated Dreams are trying to tell you something. Seek help from a Dream Expert.

take care always.....................
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