Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tore something in my knee?

I was playing indoor soccer earlier today, and basically got tripped and landed in an odd position, i cant explain it all that well, but i could feel something poping, turning, twisting, ect. i played the rest of the game, but it was at a limp, and i had to have my leg slightly bent, but stiff when running. i have been icing it all day and have kept off it as much as possible, but whenever i bend my knee it is obviously very painfull, but the more i bend it a lump pops out of the area near my knee cap, but to the inside, what did i do?Tore something in my knee?
i had something similar happen to me, you wont be normal for a while and it will more than likely never be all the way normal. it will eventually heal and you will stop feeling constant pain but unless someone else flips the bill like if its a school thing or what not its going to be alot to get it fixed.Tore something in my knee?
Three possibilities; a meniscus tear, an ACL tear or both. Tell the coach and have him fill out the accident form so you can see an orthopaedic sports medicine doctor. He'll more than likely get an MRI to find out for certain what you did. In the meantime don't flex your knee beyond ninety degrees in case it's a meniscus tear and even better get a knee immobilizer to prevent you from bending your knee. If it hurts to walk on then get a pair of crutches and use them until you get an MRI.

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