Thursday, January 26, 2012

Which girl do you prefer?? HELP? (10 points)?

Lets say there are two girls.

Girl #1:

Newzealand, tanned. brownish hair, deep green eyes. wears pink-type clothes, blue and white jeans with patterns in them. quite smart, likes drawing, and science experiments. she refuses to do other work and hates most subjects. she does crumping, and likes to laugh. She has once told me she likes me, and has a small smile on her face when she sees me. she likes to flirt with people and I think she likes my friend. The music she likes is pop, DJ remixes, hip hop, Nicki Minaj, and Rihanna. She gets angry easily, and kicks whoever pisses her off. She listens to music at lunchtime, or sneaks into a place. She hangs around with a turkish girl, and these two other girls that annoy me to death. She most likely is to laugh at something rather than making a joke, though she is pretty funny. She pushes me randomly arounds school and sits next to my table. I haven't known her for long, just a month. But I quite like her already. She likes pink, purple, and funky kinda stuff. Most people think she's ugly, and my friends don't like her much. She doesn't blush, but has a smile/grin and sometimes she takes my cap off jokingly. She doesn't stand up for me much, only if it is in a game. She calls me "her llama" and put up as her status "I love mah llama". She has recently asked out three different boys, and on facebook chat adds whoever is hot.

Girl 2#:

Lebanese, Scottish, Austrian, and Dutch, tanned. dark brown hair, large goldish-brownish eyes, wears black and red hoodies, grey jeans with holes in them. smart, likes painting, writing stories, and doing freestyle rapping, though hates maths. she does karate, and jokes about everything. She always tells me she loves me and grins all the time. The music she likes is rap, hip hop, pop, Fort Miner, Chris Brown, Eminem, Flo Rida. She likes pissing people off, and does it with her obese friend, that everyone hates. She's someone that would start a grass fight in the field, and usually at lunchtimes would go up to someone and cry randomly, or stalk someone asking for a fork. She hangs around with a couple of people. She blushes sometimes when she sees me, and previously a boy got dared to kiss her. it was the strongest, most popular boy in the school, but she rejected and said "i love ___ (me)". She lost her friend because she chose to stick by my side, and stands up for me. A time when a boy was chasing me with a stick she guarded me shoved him to the ground.

I like them both, I don't know what do choose! 10 points for best answer! Thanks ^_^Which girl do you prefer?? HELP? (10 points)?
girl #2
Girl (2)

Develop a good friendly relationship with 1 so u have a shoulder to cry on and some one on the rebound.Which girl do you prefer?? HELP? (10 points)?
girl 2 seems your more close and she seem scool
are u kidding me?girl 2!Which girl do you prefer?? HELP? (10 points)?
Neither theyre both fags
girl 2 sounds like she likes you more and is more real

girl one sounds desperate(asked out three guys, who ever is hot????) sorry she sounds wierd and plus your friends dont like her so you guys could never do group stuff or hangout with people

so choose girl one :D
girl #2 she sounds more fun and interesting and for the fact that you know all this is really weird
Girl 2# seem's like she really loves you. For one, if a girl stands up for a boy she truly cares about them.She also is smart,and sounds pretty cool.

Girl 1# is a bit more like a funkytypish.but yeah, I prefer Girl 2# =)
girl number 2 ........ dude she is soo cool !! go for the second one ! she is unique as well

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