Thursday, January 26, 2012

My knee pops in and out a lot.. kinda scary!?

so my knee has been popping out. like 8-10 times in the past couple years. I work hard to try and strengthen it, it just seems like it never really helps. like a couple days ago i was running the bases in my softball game and i must have rounded wrong or something and my knee jolted out of place and i fell to the ground. I held it tight and it popped back in within about 10 seconds. i was in such bad pain though, it took me about 5 minutes, but when i got up and walked it felt a little better. I think it was my knee cap, but im not sure. my mom said i might need arthroscopic surgery :( is this true? my knee hurts terribly when i bend down and its crunched up like a crouched position. and i cant really twist with it at all. and when i sit and stand up i have to be careful and straighten it gently and then put weight on it gradually before i walk otherwise it like wont hold my weight. my coach told me i cant play until i get my knee checked out, and im really scared i have to have surgery. please help me out! thank you so much!My knee pops in and out a lot.. kinda scary!?
More than likely you have patella femoral syndrome, it is the most common cause of anterior(front) knee pain.

Patella femoral syndrome is caused by an imbalance in your quadriceps(muscles in your thigh) two of the muscles in your thigh work together to pull your patella(knee cap) up a groove in your femur(thigh bone), but sometimes one will start pulling more than the other and grind your patella into your femur. Symptoms include pain located on the sides of the kneecap, discomfort under the patella, sometimes mild swelling and occasional popping of the knee. Running, sprinting, jumping, going up and down stairs, and squatting are all things that can increase patella femoral pain. Anyway it is know by many names: runner's knee, jumper's knee, swimmer's knee, etc.

If it turns out that this is what is wrong and it continues to bother you just leave a comment at the bottom of your question or email me and I will give you the instructions.My knee pops in and out a lot.. kinda scary!?
If it's a reoccurring thing then you may need surgery. There is probably scar tissue in your knee that is weaker than it is regularly and that may be why your knee is popping out of place. As for your softball games try wearing a knee brace that supports your knee and see if that doesn't help.

Good Luck :)

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